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In addition to crafting small batch, artisanal mead, Silver Hand Meadery is Williamsburg's premier retailer of unique varietal honey.  


The Importance of Beekeeping

The honey bee plays an important role in the pollination of many of the foods we eat every day. Almonds, for example, rely almost entirely on the honey bee.


The honey bee population has been declining over the past 5 decades. Beekeeping has become vital to the survival of the honey bee in response to this alarming trend. By consuming real honey and honey products like mead, you are assisting in the survival of one of the world's most important pollinators.

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What is Varietal Honey?

Like winemakers use a single grape variety when making varietal wine (i.e. Chardonnay or Merlot), honey bees make varietal honey when they source nectar from a single flower type (i.e. Alfalfa or Mesquite). 


Think all honey tastes the same? Think again!

Featured Honey

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Bourbon Barrel-Aged Honey

Appalachian Wildflower honey aged for 2 months in Ironclad Distillery bourbon barrels.

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Whipped Honey with
Lavender & Lemon

This tangy and floral whipped honey is created with local lavender and lemon.

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